From the Desk of Laura Glaab...

First of all, thank you to all the amazing parents who sought to join Council Board. There is nothing more inspiring than busy, passionate people being vulnerable to create change. I truly believe a small group of dedicated people can change the world. For the 2018-2019 school year, the Isabella Bird community voted candidates Traci Lacheta, Brad Dolian and Kim Brewer, to join the Board. Brad and Kim received a tied number of votes requiring the Council Board to deliberate. After much consideration, rather than choosing between the two, the Board decided to extend an invitation onto the board to both.
One of our goals this year was to increase participation and diversity on our various committees. We’ve had many conversations about increasing diverse representation and the Board feels this is as an opportunity to move toward achieving our goals. As aligned to Council bylaws, this means we will increase our teacher board positions by one to ensure even representation between parents and teachers.
So, without further ado, welcome Brad Dolian, Kim Brewer, and Traci Lacheta to Council Board!
Thank you Kenda Keenan, Michael McMurray, and Anna Moon for your dedication to our school and your willingness to be considered for Council Board.
For questions or conversation, reach out to Laura Glaab via email or phone 720-423-9900.
Take Action...

IBCS Masquerade Ball
The IBCS Masquerade Ball is coming up on Thursday, May 17, 5-6 p.m. in the Gym and Community Room. The event is organized by Fifth Grade Teacher, Duffy, and the Fifth Grade Students, who will carry out various tasks to prepare for and during the event. Preparation includes ticket sales, advertisement, mask sales, snack stand, hallway greeters/coordinators, and decor. Masks are $2 each, and include animal, Mardi Gras, and super hero themes. They are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The dance entrance fee is $1 per person, and will benefit Fifth Grade Continuation costs. Note: This is a family event; children must be accompanied by an adult. To ensure a fabulous time is had by all, please consider donating your time and specific resources. Sign up for individual items and tasks.

Field Day and ARTS Week
Field Day and ARTS Week are quickly approaching! We need your help to make these events as successful as possible. Please reviewthe sign up sheet and contribute if you're able to! We appreciate you all and your support! **We just got news the District double-booked the grill we usually borrow for our Field Day lunch. If you're willing to bring your grill to school and help with some of the grilling for lunch, we would be forever grateful! See the sign up sheet. For questions, contact Tabetha Ross, Izzi B office manager.

Mother's Day for Mango House Located in Aurora only, a few minutes from Izzi B, Mango House (1532 Galena St.) provides services for refugees making their home in Colorado. The Basic Needs Pantry at Mango House provides gently used clothing and household accessories, as well as much-neededtoiletries and diapers, for refugee families. Moms from Burma, Afghanistan, Kenya, and elsewhere rely on Mango House for their babies' diapers and wipes, as well as many other basic needs.
This May, in honor of Mother’s Day, please help stock their shelves with diapers and wipes. Boxes for donations will be in Izzi B's front Lobby, May 1-11, and we will accept donations of: Diapers (sizes 1-6) Opened boxes or individual sleeves of diapers are acceptable, too; wipes; shampoos; soaps; toothbrushes; sanitary pads and other toiletries. You can order items directly from their Amazon Wishlist and have them sent to Mango House (go to and search “Basic Needs Pantry at Mango House” under the “Your Friends” tab). Thank you for supporting this community resource! Contact Izzi B Parent, Martina Will, with questions or if you would like to volunteer to help deliver donations.
What's Going on With...
Introducing the New Isabella Bird Community School Principal
Read DPS Instructional Superintendent, Monica Nurrebern's letter announcing the new leader of our school. A meet and greet for parents and staff will be announced in the coming weeks.

From Isaac: A Note for Choir Parents
We're hard at work singing, performing as an ensemble, and learning some vocal techniques. This has really come together in the past few weeks. We are currently singing and planning on singing these songs for our “ARTS Week Concert”: Space Oddity (David Bowie), We’re Going to be Friends (The White Stripes), Best Day of My Life (American Authors), Here Comes the Sun (The Beatles) and Over There is My Future (Teresa Jennings). We've sent out a lyric sheet, if possible please work on memorizing some of the lyrics to these songs, our goal is to have all of these songs memorized by showtime. And lastly, IBCS Choir t-shirts were ordered and will arrive shortly. We are planning on having our concert during ARTS days on Thursday, May 24 at 2:10 p.m. in the Cafeteria/Community Room. All parents and family are welcome to attend. If you are unable to make the performance we will have it recorded and sent out to everybody after. Our hope is this experience is beneficial and fun for all students involved. For questions, contact Isaac.
Got Sweets: Girls on the Run Bake Sale
Girls on the Run will host their Second Annual Seasonal Bake Sale on the playground Monday, May 14, 3 pm until they sell out of their delicious treats. The proceeds will go to the Max Fund, a no kill animal shelter. Please stop by and show them your support as they work on their philanthropy project!

Language Learners Swim and Safety Outing
Izzi B's ESL teachers are taking our Language Learners to the Central Park Rec Center again this year for a safety class and swim lesson. Third-Fifth Grade students will go Wednesday, May 16, 9:30 a.m.- 2 p.m., and First and Second Graders will go Wednesday, May 23, 9:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. Both groups will walk to the rec center and have a picnic lunch. To ensure successful outings for teachers and students alike, we need parent volunteers to chaperone the trips, as well as new swimsuit donations for the students, size fitting boys and girls, Kindergartner-Fifth Grade, and towels. If you're able to make donations, please drop your items off at Izzi B by Friday, May 18. If you've able to chaperone, please contact Kim Hundley, ESL teacher. Kim is also the contact for questions.

Harkins Summer Movie Tickets
If you paid for Harkins Tickets and have not received them, please email Izzi B Parent and Fundraising Committee
Member, Catherine Schurger.
Spring Mathematicians
Please join us in celebrating the collective success of our mathematicians as they participated in the Spring 2018 Noetic Math Contest lead by our GT Teachers, Rebecca Mercer and Alison Kapsalis.
First grade (there is no first grade version, so they took the second grade test)
Grayson Heim was our team winner.
Evan Sitzman and Grayson Heim won National Honor medals.
Jack Moran, Andrew Deelo and Miles Rist won National Honorable Mention awards.
Third Grade
Team winners Niram Eisenmesser, Sylvie Bodine and Tate Miles
National Honors medals awarded to Niram, Sylvie, and Tate
National Honorable Mention awarded to: Felix Mootz, Eli Rohletter, Sam Messer, Harlie Ross, Abigail Bismuth, Keston Osbourne-Roberts, Skylar Kirsten, Jazmine Stallings.
Malik Henry participated in the contest.
Fourth Grade
Team winner Carson Gurley
National Honors medals- Carson Gurley, Harper Brush, Alek Walczak, Jillian Fox
National Honorable Mention- Diego Trinadad, Olivia Lippa, Scarlett Fugazy, Kitty Chang, Kellen Linderman, Zoey Riggs and Piper Deelo
Fifth Grade
Team Winner Sofia Chaparro-Will
National Honors medals- Sofia Chapparo-Will, Luca McMurray
National Honorable Mention- Xavier Elie, Isabella Costa-Guerra, Kalina Faragher-Quinn, Naima Criss
Participation awards- Erica Dunlap, Maximo Ochoa, Riley Thompson, Dillan Swift, Tomas Cole, Madison Hall, Addison Shaw, Anne Susco, and Adriel Saijas
Please join me in celebrating our collective success!
Save the Date...

Classroom Liaison Party
Let's hang out, get to know each other better, celebrate this year, and maybe talk a little bit about next year. All Classroom Liaisons from this year, as well as anyone who may be interested in joining us next year, are invited to attend the Classroom Liaison Party, Friday, May 18, 6- 9.m., at Stanley Beer Hall (2501 Dallas St., Aurora 80010). Let us know if you can make it, so we can make sure to get a big enough table. We're doing the organizing; food and drink is up to you. RSVP here: Contact Kenda Keenan,Genevieve Swift or Melita Schwartz, with questions.

Last Day of School
The last day of school is Thursday, May 31. It is a full day of school. Join us for an all-school picnic from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Students may stay at school the entire day or leave with their families after the picnic. For questions, contact School Secretary,Alexis Walker.
Mark Your Calendar...
Thursday, May 17, 5 p.m. - School Dance
Friday, May 18, 8:15 a.m. - Coffee & Conversation
Wednesday, May 23, 5:30 p.m. - Third Grade Performance
Friday, May 25, TBD - Field Day
Monday, May 28, All day - No school (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 29-Wednesday, May 30, TBD - Arts Day
Wednesday, May 30, 6 p.m. - Fifth Grade Continuation
Thursday, May 31, All day - Last Day of School