Support Izzi B while you shop!
Amazon Smile is a simple way for you to support Isabella Bird (listed as IBCS Council) at no cost to you. Begin your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of all purchases to Izzi B. The log-in is the same as at Amazon.com, however, items purchased through Amazon.com won't go towards the school, so please make a habit of starting at smile.amazon.com when shopping with Amazon.
It's now easier than ever to raise money for Izzi B through your purchases at King Soopers (Clicklist included)!
All you need is a King Soopers rewards/loyalty card - you know, the one you use for discounts at the register and on gas?
Here are the simple steps to register your rewards account:
1. Go to: www.KingSoopers.com/communityrewards
2. Click the "Enroll Now" link
3. Login to your account using your email and password
4. Search for "Isabella Bird Community School Council" or "CC756"
5. Select Enroll

You eat a delicious meal, Izzi B earns a percentage of your purchases!
Visit the Dine & Donate page to learn about our next event.