From the Virtual Desk of Schuba...

Dear Izzi B. Family and Friends,
We hope you and your family continue to be well during this challenging time. As Superintendent Cordova shared in April, DPS has provided updated guidance on how grading will work for students in ECE through 8th grade.
Below are specific details for how grading will work at IBCS. This information will help you and your student know what to expect as we enter the final weeks of the 19/20 school year.
Instead of numerical or letter grades, all ECE-5th grade students’ report cards will include written feedback about how a student has/has not demonstrated understanding of critical learning for the grading period. We will provide you and your student with feedback throughout the grading period if a student has not initially demonstrated understanding, and share opportunities to do so later in the summer or beyond.
Teachers will provide your students with the following:
A "glow" or strength during remote learning.
A "grow" or next step during remote learning.
A brief written summary of student learning over the last two months of remote learning for English Language Arts and Mathematics.
Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to improve remote learning. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or me and Caleb with additional questions.
Isabella Bird Community School Administration
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba ( or Caleb (
Take Action...

Annual Family Update
The early bird window for completing the Annual Family Update is open through May 31. The update allows you to update your student's information online and saves you time with registration next school year. Families must verify student information with DPS each year. The update can only be completed by the parent/guardian listed in the primary household of the student record. Parents/guardians must have an active DPS Parent Portal account to participate in the online Annual Family Update. More information about the Annual Family Update is available.

Izzi B. Council Budget Seeking Input on '20-'21
Spring is typically the season when our community comes together to decide how Council dollars could best be spent for next school year. While Council Board is currently working on drafts and proposals for next year's budget, allocation of budget money is delayed until we can gather in person again. In the meantime, Council Board invites you to share your ideas and feedback for allocation of variable funds via Additional information is available through a School Deets post entitled, Izzi B Council Budget - seeking input on '20-'21. Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this important IBCS Council process impacting our entire school. For questions, please contact IBCS Parent and Council Treasurer, Ashley Williams.
What's Going on with...

Food Distribution for Those in Need
As we continue to navigate life amid the pandemic, Denver Public Schools (DPS) is committed to providing free meals to students. Visit the District's site for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Families & Students. Additionally, Food Bank of the Rockies is providing emergency food assistance for families. Visit for detailed information about location specifics, dates and times.
Mark Your Calendars...
Thursday, May 21, 7 p.m.: Council Meeting
Monday, May 25, All Day: No School (Memorial Day)
Friday, May 29, 8-11:30 a.m.: Last Day of School