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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From Schuba and Caleb...

Dear Izzi B. Family and Friends,

It was so wonderful to see teachers connect with their students, and for the students to connect with one another last week! Although remote learning is very different from being at school, it's heart-warming to connect with our students again. We know there are bumps along the way, so thank you for your patience, flexibility, and support as we adjust to this new form of teaching and learning. We value your feedback and input. Please complete the Remote Learning Community Feedback Survey, so we can know how to better support you during this time.

Additionally, if you are wondering who to contact with questions, comments, or concerns during this time, please refer to the Remote Learning Support Contact List. This contact list includes email addresses for both IBCS staff members and DPS.

As students spend more time on devices and online, we are including virtual classroom guidance and resources for cyber-bullying and media for families. These resources were created by DPS to support parents and students.

Finally, thanks to Second Grade Teacher, Meg Torres, IBCS donated several cases of Lysol disinfecting cleaning wipes to the Stout Street Clinic. The clinic provides healthcare to adults and children experiencing homelessness.

As always, please feel free to reach out to either of us, if you have any questions or concerns as we continue to improve our remote learning capabilities.

Thanks for all you do,

Schuba and Caleb

Isabella Bird Community School Administration

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba ( or Caleb (


Take Action...

Virtual Learning Attendance

Student attendance during remote learning is recorded by classroom teachers each school day by 5 p.m. Classroom teachers' processes/routines for “taking” attendance may vary. If your child is sick at anytime during remote learning, please let your child’s teacher know; this is an excused absence. For questions, please contact IBCS Dean of Operations, Tabetha Ross.

DPS Food Pick-up Locations, Delivery Information

If you and your family need access to food during the state's stay-at-home order, DPS and the DPS Foundation offer free weekday and weekend breakfast and lunch to students and families at grab-and-go sites throughout the city; specific site delivery is also available. For more information and pick-up site locations, visit


What's Going on With...

2019-2020 Yearbooks on Sale

The reminder of the school year may look and feel a bit different, but its still one students will want to remember. Order your student's soft-bound, full-color 19/20 IBCS Yearbook featuring his/her classmates, friends and memories. Each yearbook is $20 and are available for purchase via For questions, contact IBCS Office Staff Member, Joannie Collado.

4/10 Coffee & Conversation Notes

Many thanks to IBCS community members who attended and participated in Friday's Coffee & Conversation. During the meeting, Leadership responded to questions related to the start of virtual learning, the go-forward plan for Council Meetings, Fifth Grade Continuation, and more; many attendees shared feedback, as well. Learn more about the meeting's conversation topics and action items by reviewing the meeting minutes. The next Coffee & Conversation is Friday, May 22; meeting details coming soon.


Save the Date...

Izzi B. Family Day of Service in celebration of Earth Day

Our Izzi B, Day of Service, which was scheduled for April 18, is canceled. We look forward to hosting a family community service day next school year. For questions, contact IBCS ESL Teacher, Kim Hundley.


Mark Your Calendars...

  • Friday, May 8, All Day: No School (Professional Development Day)

  • Friday, May 22, 9-10 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation

  • Monday, May 25, All Day: No School (Memorial Day)

  • Friday, May 29, 8-11:30 a.m.: Last Day of School


© 2021, Isabella Bird Community School Council | Site by Mindee Forman

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