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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

Dear Izzi B. Families and Friends,

Wednesday, Feb. 5, marks the beginning of Teacher-Student-Parent Conferences (be sure to sign-up for one!). Your student(s) and IBCS staff are proud to share celebrations related to this year's academic performance and social-emotional goals.

The founders of Isabella Bird specifically selected the word “community” as part of our school name by design as a strong sense of community is part of our core values and beliefs. The IBCS team is committed to developing healthy and collaborative partnerships with home and school. Teacher-Student-Parent Conferences allow us the individual time to build this open, two-way communication.

I want to celebrate our incredible Izzi B. teachers and staff, who devote their hearts, energy, and endless planning hours. Gratitude and appreciation are two small things someone can do to make a world of difference to another human.

Did you know? According to a survey, eight out of 10 teachers do not feel their profession is valued by society. Among school leaders, the proportion who feel teaching is undervalued rises to 90 percent. Take this opportunity to give a teacher a hug or show appreciation through your words and actions.

And please, don’t forget our communication agreements:

Principal Schuba

Isabella Bird Community School Principal

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba, via email or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action...

AUCTION 2020: Grab Your Tickets, BE IN TO WIN!

Our Price Is Right Auction Night is just ONE MONTH AWAY! Go to today and click to purchase your Early Bird tickets. Price is reduced only until Feb 14.

GET IN ON GIVEAWAY DRAWING - 4 WINNERS: On Saturday, Feb 15, we will draw names for four winners. ONE winner, drawn from ALL Auction ticket purchases to-date, will receive a FULL REFUND of his/her Auction ticket purchase. THREE winners, drawn from all Early Bird purchases, will have their tickets reduced $10 each to Flash Sale price. Refunds will be processed to your credit card via Handbid. (NOTE: You must buy your tickets online by midnight on Friday, Feb. 14, to be in the drawing)

Note from the School Nurse It’s that time of year when we have more illness throughout the school. To help keep the spread down, we’d like your help in following the Colorado guidelines.

  • For vomiting and diarrhea, students need to stay home until diarrhea or vomiting have resolved for at least 48 hours.

  • For fevers, students need to stay home until at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever or signs of a fever (chills, feeling very warm, flushed appearance, or sweating) without the use of fever-reducing medicine.

How else can you help? Coaching your kids on proper hand-washing (i.e. making bubbles for the length of time it takes to sing the ABC song) is essential! Have your kids practice sneezing or coughing into their elbow (not into their hands) is important, as well. Contact IBCS School Nurse, Gay Lynn Olsen, with questions.


What's Going on With...

Girls on the Run Registration, Spring Dates

International program, Girls on the Run (GOTR), inspires girls in elementary grades 3-5 to a lifetime of empowerment and self-confidence. If your daughter is interested in learning positive life-skills, while training for a 3.1 mile run/walk race, consider signing her up for GOTR. Practices are Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m.; the first session is Tuesday, March 3. Registration is now open. For in-depth program information and/or to register your daughter, visit For questions, or if you're interested in helping to coach, contact IBCS Special Education Teacher and GOTR Site Coordinator, Liz Becze ( or 720-341-7245).


Save the Date

Scholastic Book Fair: Let's go WILD for Books!

Elephants, Tigers and BOOKS, oh my! Join us, Feb. 11, 3-7 p.m., and Feb. 13, 3-7 p.m., in Room 212 for a Book Fair Jungle during the Izzi B. Teacher-Student-Parent Conferences! We'll host a GRAND event with students and invited guests on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 10:30 a.m. -12:25 p.m. - more information coming! Room 212 will be transformed into a reading jungle filled with books and gifts for all reading-levels for families to purchase to add to their own collections at home. The Izzi B. Library receives nearly 60 percent of proceeds to purchase new Scholastic books to add to our still-growing library collection! This Fall, we broke ANOTHER record sales amount giving our Library more than $5,000 in book money. Woohoo! Everybody loves new books and more great reads!

How You Can Help Make our Fair a Success: Scholastic Book Fairs are run by volunteers and everyone can help! This event is family-friendly and a great way to volunteer with your student. All adult volunteers receive a $5 gift certificate to be used on any $20 purchase at our book fair! Sign-up to volunteer.

Not Able to Attend the Fair: Bummer, you will be missed during all the fun. You can still order books and gifts through our Online Book Fair! Beyond having a larger selection than what can fit into our Library, the prices are the same and shipping to your home is FREE! Online sales also go toward helping our Library grow. The Izzi B. ONLINE book fair is OPEN Sunday, Feb. 2, through Saturday, Feb. 15.

For questions about the upcoming Scholastic Book Fair, contact IBCS Library Para, Andrea Rothstein.


Mark Your Calendars...

  • Tuesday, Feb. 4, 5:30-7 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting

  • Wednesday, Feb. 5, 3:30-7:30 p.m.: Teacher-Student-Parent Conferences

  • Tuesday, Feb. 11, 3-7 p.m.: Jungle Theme Scholastic Book Fair

  • Thursday, Feb. 13, 3-7 p.m.: Jungle Theme Scholastic Book Fair

  • Tuesday, Feb. 11, 3:30-7:30 p.m.: Teacher-Student-Parent Conferences

  • Friday, Feb. 14, All Day: No School (Teacher Comp Day)

  • Monday, Feb. 17, All Day: No School (Presidents Day)

  • Thursday, Feb. 20, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Meeting

  • Friday, Feb. 28, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation


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