From the Desk of Schuba...

Dear Izzi B. Family and Friends,
Did you know, according to research, students comply with rules and meet expectations 80% of the time, yet are complimented for their behavior less than 2% of the time? Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a system and structure to foster a positive learning environment focused on positive reinforcement, prevention and instruction. The PBIS framework calls for clear building-wide expectations.
The Izzi B. staff created a school-wide behavior expectations matrix. Students are explicitly taught these expectations and what it looks like to meet those expectations. To foster a positive learning environment, students receive specific praise when they are “caught” meeting expectations. This praise takes the form of “tickets.” Student earn tickets and can trade them in for various positive rewards, such as lunch bunch with a teacher, positive note sent home, sit next to a friend for a day, VIP cubby, and so forth. The goal of PBIS is to set clear expectations, compliment students when they meet those expectations, and teach students how to meet those expectations.
PBIS is included within our newly updated Innovation Plan and aligns with the already implemented Well-Managed Schools curriculum. PBIS launches in February. Additional Innovation Plan updates and inclusions are:
Mission and Vision: These statements now highlight social justice, environmental responsibility, service learning and cultural responsiveness.
Annual Contracts: Honoring the importance of experience, IBCS teachers are no longer on annual contracts. Newly hired teachers will be on an annual contract for their first-year.
Leadership: A clear plan for distribution of leadership to create ownership, efficacy, and a shared responsibility for the success of the school.
The updated Innovation Plan was approved by 80 percent of current IBCS staff; one of the highest approval ratings in the District. Later this week, the plan will go before the District Board for approval. IBCS families are invited to review the Innovation Plan.
Passion ~ Joy ~ Optimism
Principal Schuba
Isabella Bird Community School Principal
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba, via email or phone 720-423-9900.
Take Action...

2020-2021 Calendar Proposal, Votes Needed
At last week's Council Meeting, the proposed calendar for the 2020-2021 school year was shared; please see the slides presented and reviewed. In the presentation, you will find the approved 2020-2021 DPS school calendar, data collected from staff and the proposed 2020-2021 Izzi B. calendar. You can scan the QR code on the last slide, or complete the survey online. Feedback from the community is accepted through Thursday, Jan. 30. If you have questions, please e-mail Tabetha Ross, IBCS dean of operations.

IBCS Grade-Level Food Drive
We're excited for our first IBCS food drive of 2020! With support and contributions from our community, we send home nearly 30 backpacks filled with food each week to IBCS families. Our food pantry shelves are getting bare, so its time to restock. Grade-levels will compete to bring in the most number of donations; bonus points are given to grades for items donated from the specific grade-level list below. Food drive ends Friday, Jan. 24. The winning grade will receive an ice cream sundae celebration on Thursday, Jan. 30. Non-perishable food items only, please.
Grade-Level Donations
ECE & Kindergarten: Cereal, oatmeal, fruit snacks, applesauce, chips and crackers, breakfast and protein bars
1st Grade: Jelly/jam; canned/packages peaches, pineapples, pears and mandarin oranges; boxed Jello/pudding
2nd Grade: Garbanzo, kidney, pinto and black beans; lentils, quinoa
3rd Grade: Canned green beans, peas, carrots, green chilis and spinach; diced tomatoes
4th Grade: Peanut/sun/almond butter, canned tuna/salmon, canned chicken, rice, snack nuts, jerky
5th Grade: Cream of soups/chicken noodle soups, mayo and salad dressings broth, coconut milk, Ramen noodles, clam chowder, Alfredo and marinara sauces
For questions about the grade-level food drive, contact IBCS Dean of Operations, Tabetha Ross.

Come on Down: 2020 Price Is Right Auction Night
A HUGE thanks from the Auction Committee to the more than 100 amazing Izzi B. parents, teachers and staff who purchased their tickets to the 2020 Price Is Right Auction Night! Our goal is to celebrate and raise money for our beloved school with 250 of YOU. What a night it will be! Visit to purchase your event tickets. Each ticket gives you access to bid on all silent- and live-auction items before and during the event, as well as dinner and an open bar serving beer and wine. Bid-at-Home tickets are also available, and are a GREAT option for extended family or friends who cannot attend the event, but would like to bid on fabulous auction items, or to simply make a donation to the school. 100 percent of Auction proceeds fuel the IBCS Council Feed The Dragon Fund and help us reach our very big fundraising goal of $140,000 for this year. To learn more about how our fundraising dollars are spent to benefit YOUR student(s), IBCS teachers and staff, and curriculum, instruction, facilities and more, by visiting
For 2020 Auction questions, contact either event Co-Chair, Ashley Williams or Lauren Dolian.
What's Going on With...

Girls on the Run Registration, Spring Dates
International program, Girls on the Run (GOTR), inspires girls in elementary grades 3-5 to a lifetime of empowerment and self-confidence. If your daughter is interested in learning positive life-skills, while training for a 3.1 mile run/walk race, consider signing her up for GOTR. Practices are Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m.; the first session is Tuesday, March 3. Registration opens Monday, Feb. 3. For in-depth program information and/or to register, visit For questions, contact IBCS Special Education Teacher and GOTR Site Coordinator, Liz Becze ( or 720-341-7245).

DPS Whole Child Supports
DPS provides free vision, hearing and dental screenings for all students in identified elementary grades (ECE, kindergarten, first, second, third and fifth). The screenings are NOT an assessment or evaluation, nor do they replace professional exams. IBCS students in the identified grades will receive these screenings on one of the following dates: Feb. 6, 7, 10 and 11. Please contact School Nurse, Gay Lynn Olsen ( or 720-423-9915), with questions, or if you wish to refuse any of these free screenings for your student.

Volunteers Needed for Spring Exploratories
Exploratories are Friday afternoon “extracurricular” classes that provide an opportunity for all IBCS students, regardless of socio-economic background, to learn about a topic of interest from experts, including commercial vendors, school staff, and parent volunteers. Exploratories also provide valuable time for teacher collaboration and training. Parents, grandparents and other community members are encouraged to volunteer to lead and support Exploratory classes. This Spring, Exploratories are offered to grades K-2 on six Fridays from 1:40-2:30 p.m., starting on Feb. 21 and ending March 27. Please contact IBCS Parent Volunteer, Lindsay Delecki, to volunteer.

Caring for Those in Our Community
IBCS Alum and Sixth Grade McAuliffe Student, Zoey Riggs, was recently diagnosed with an extremely rare (1,000 U.S. cases per year) cancer, Ewing Sarcoma. Zoey is an extremely talented, smart kid with a style all her own. She is a runner, pianist and very intelligent. Please consider helping Zoey and her family obtain the support they need throughout this journey by donating to Zoey's GoFundMe account. To follow Zoey's journey, visit the family's CaringBridge page. Thank you for any support!
Save the Date

Winter Student-Curated Art Show
Students have turned the IBCS hallways into an art museum! Parents, friends and family members are invited to walk through the school and view the art on display, Thursday, Jan. 23, 5:30-7 p.m. Art-related activities and games will be provided throughout the building during this event. For questions, please contact IBCS Art Teacher, Morgan Cofer.

Dine & Donate: HashTAG
Join your Izzi B. friends at Stapleton Eastbridge's HashTAG (10155 E. 29th Dr., Ste, 120), for breakfast on Monday, Jan. 27; Tuesday, Jan. 28 and/or Wednesday, Jan. 29. 15 percent of proceeds on these days will be donated to the school. Take-out orders do apply. Review HashTAG's menu. See you there!
Mark Your Calendars...
Now - Friday, Jan. 24, All Day: IBCS Winter Food Drive
Thursday, Jan. 23, 9-11:15 a.m.: Spelling Bee
Thursday, Jan. 23, 5:30-7 p.m.: IBCS Art Show
Thursday, Jan. 23, 6-7 p.m.: 5th Grade Math Night
Friday, Jan. 24, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation
Monday, Jan. 27, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Dine & Donate: Hashtag
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Dine & Donate: Hashtag
Wednesday, Jan. 29, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Dine & Donate: Hashtag
Friday, Jan. 31, All Day: No School (Professional Development Day)
Monday, Feb. 3, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 5:30-7 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 3:30-7:30 p.m.: Teacher-Student-Parent Conferences
Friday, Feb. 14, All Day: No School (Teacher Comp Day)
Monday, Feb. 17, All Day: No School (President's Day)
Thursday, Feb. 20, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Meeting