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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

Hi All,


Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a proactive behavior support system that aids in building a safe and welcoming community, actively manage the school environment, and be proactive rather than reactive. Our PBS Dragon Dispositions (empathetic, tenacious, brave, joyful, respectful, and innovative) are featured during our new, daily announcements over the intercom to the whole school. Our new SHOUT OUT system announces specific students each day who are exhibiting these qualities. We are still developing a comprehensive recognition plan to acknowledges students for demonstrating positive behavior, which provides positive reinforcement for students, classrooms and the entire school community. Our new PBS Behavior Matrix outlines the expected behaviors in all areas of the school setting. Students are taught these behaviors at the beginning of the year and are re-taught expectations

continuously throughout the year.

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action...

Picture Day Volunteers Needed

Picture Day is next Tuesday, Sept. 25. Your help is needed. You can help by lining up the students, making sure their order forms are organized and helping them get to and from the cafeteria, where pictures will be taken. Signup today.

Don’t Miss Another School or Teacher Communication

We’re streamlining school and classroom communication with School Deets. More than 350 parents/guardians have downloaded the app. Have you?

Here’s how:

  1. Visit the app store on your smartphone and download the School Deets app.

  2. Follow the prompts, including the selection of your language preference. If you have multiple children, remember to enter each of your children’s School Deets Student Codes.

Note: If you do not know your child(ren)’s School Deets Student code, use your

child(ren)’s Denver Public School’s (DPS) Student ID number (available via the DPS Parent Portal), contact your child(ren)’s teacher, or send an email to

Learn more about School Deets at For questions with the platform, or difficulty downloading and/or using the app, email

HGT Testing Nomination Form Available

The HGT testing application is now available for interested parents for grades 1, 3, 4 and 5 (kinder and second grade will have universal screening). The application deadline is Saturday, Oct. 6, and these applications must be received at the address listed on the application. The application cannot be turned into the school. It must be sent downtown or filled out electronically with the link below. Access the physical form to print and mail. Access the electronic file to complete and submit.

Fundraising Update

At Izzi B. we've made good progress toward our fundraising efforts, but we need to keep plugging along! Our goal is to have 200 families signed up via DonorPerfect by the end of this year.

  • In June, 14 families signed up for monthly contributions totaling about $529/month.

  • So far, YTD we have 56 families signed up bringing in about $3,100 a month AND we have had about $6,800 worth of one time donations.

  • So as of now, we have raised about $12,000 and all of last year we raised only $16,000.

IBCS Council Webpage

If isn’t among your Internet browser’s bookmarked favorites, consider elevating its existence today. The recently updated website is managed by IBCS Council sub-committee co-chairs, not DPS, and includes communication vehicles, council financials and fundraising efforts, sponsorship information, events and more. For District maintained information about Isabella Bird, visit For questions about, email


What's Going on With...

Direct Give FAQ

If you're wondering what Direct Give is and/or why schools like Izzi B. host parties, we've created a quick FAQ to answer your questions.

Q. What is Direct Give?

A. Direct Give is money contributed by parents and goes directly to the school to fund school goals throughout the year. IBCS does not as parents to sell anything throughout the year or host the dreaded bake sales; instead we let parents know the amount of money we need per student and ask them to consider contributing this amount so we can fund all additional programs we want for our children’s education. Your contributions cover items such as more computers and technology, Professional Development for our staff, and curriculum. 

Q. What are Direct Giving Parties?

A. Direct Giving parties are hosted by groups of IBCS families who volunteer to host and plan the party.

Q. I’ve heard at these Parties, you’re put on the spot and asked to donate $1,000 or more?

A. False! This maybe the case at other schools, but not at IBCS. If you want to donate more than the suggested amount of $295 per child, then we’ll take it.....BUT no one asks you to write a giant check. Some families give more and some give less....the goal is to get all families to give what they can.

Q. If I sign-up for the monthly recurring donation, will I be asked to donate more throughout the year?

A. As a school, we must fundraise all year long. We have multiple ways people can donate...many of them are community-based events to help our families have fun and yes, they also raise money. We encourage you to attend as many events as you can to help build our community.

Q. Can I only donate at the Auction?

A. This is understandable because its SO fun! BUT keep in mind not all of what you donate at the Auction goes toward our fundraising goal. It costs roughly $30,000 to put on the Auction. By giving monthly, the school is better able to budget throughout the year.

For more information about Direct Give, send an email to


Save the Date...

Spirit Sticks

We are retiring Spirit Sticks this year. Our last two sales are through Thursday folders only (no playground sales). We’ll have one sale in late September and one in December. Help us make money for Izzi B. and get rid of our inventory - these two final sales are your child’s last chance to collect Spirit Sticks! Order forms must be completed and returned to classroom teachers by Monday, Sept. 17; orders will only be accepted if payment is attached. Sticks are $1 each and key chains are $3. CASH ONLY! Orders will be delivered in your child’s take-home folder. *We will fill orders in order of receipt. In the event a stick you select sells out, please pick a backup. If no backup is selected we will send your money back in an envelope. For questions, please contact Izzi B. Parent and Volunteer, Heidi Patrick.

Denver Green School Q&A Event

Izzi B. Community, you've likely heard there will be a new middle school opening in Northfield for the 2019-20 school year serving this enrollment zone. One of the proposed schools, The Denver Green School (DGS), is interested in sharing their model and hearing what Izzi B. families prioritize in a new middle school. Attend a Q&A session with The DGS on Thursday, Sept. 20, 6-7 p.m. in the Izzi B. cafeteria/auditorium. There will be a brief presentation about the model from the school's leader, Kartal Jaquette, a time for our community to identify priorities we hope are included in the school and then a Q&A. Visit the website explaining the proposal. The DGS is hosting a BBQ at Central Park on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 3:30-6:30 p.m., to meet families. Please RSVP to attend.

8th Annual Stapleton Community Food Drive

Izzi B. has partnered again this year with New Perspective Real Estate and several local business and organizations for the 8th Annual Stapleton Community Food Drive, Sept. 29 – Oct. 8. The Food Drive helps families and children who suffer from hunger and poor nutrition in and around the Stapleton community. The Drive will help us stock our school’s pantry. For more information, please visit: There are three ways to donate:

  1. A Drive collection barrel will soon be placed in the school’s east side foyer. You can deliver canned goods and other non-perishable donations here, from Sept. 29 - Oct. 8.

  2. Look for the white Collection Bag, delivered to your home by Saturday, Sept. 29 (Stapleton residents), generously fill it with non-perishable items, place the bag on your front porch by 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 6 and Drive volunteers will pick-up your donation that day.

  3. Make a cash donation directly to Izzi B. by visiting the link below and clicking on the “Donate” button: Make sure you type Isabella Bird Community School in the “Notes” section to encourage our pantry for students and families in need receive your generous donation.

Fall-Themed Fun at Izzi B.’s Annual Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival is only three weeks away and this year is promising to be better than ever! New to the mix this year is a Hay Ride, as well as Hungry Hippo Inflatable and an Obstacle Course. Don't forget we also have our Izzi B. Pumpkin Patch! We need volunteers to help run this fun event so please sign up, there are many things you can do that take small amounts of time and effort. Tickets are $20 each. Purchase your tickets early and sign up for volunteering shifts.

Mark Your Calendars...

  • Friday, Sept. 21, All Day: No School for Students (Professional Development for Staff) Discovery Link is available; sign up today.

  • Monday, Sept. 24, 5-9 p.m.: Dine & Donate at Next Door in Eastbridge (10155 East 29th Drive, Suite 160) (RSVP required by the restaurant)

  • Tuesday, Sept. 25, All Day: Picture Day

  • Wednesday, Sept. 26, 8:05 a.m.: Auction Committee Meeting

  • Saturday, Sept. 29, 4-8 p.m.: Direct Give Party (RSVP requested by hosts)


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