From the Desk of Schuba...
Isabella Bird Instructional Staff and Leadership leverage professional expertise and a considerable amount of time when creating and balancing classroom ratios and compositions for each new school year. Many student-specific factors, including individual academic needs, social and behavioral dynamics and more, are considered.
As we approach creation of class lists for the 19/20 school year, we are dedicated to placing students in the best learning environment possible to meet their needs. Should you have a specific social-emotional or learning characteristic you would like to emphasize and be of consideration as class lists are constructed, we invite you to express these thoughts via our Student Information Form and share with office staff prior to Friday, May 3.
Principal Schuba
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email (lisa_schuba@dpsk12.org) or phone at 720-423-9900.
Take Action....

Final 19/20 IBCS School Year Calendar, Staggered Start Date
The IBCS 19/20 School Year Calendar is now final. School-wide assessments for new students and/or those students below grade-level are conducted by classroom teachers beginning Monday, Aug. 19. The first day of school for grades 1-5 is Tuesday, Aug. 20, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., while Kindergarten and ECE students continue with assessments. The first day of school for Kindergarten and ECE is Wednesday, Aug. 21, 8-11:30 a.m.; Aug. 22 and 23 school duration for these grades 8-11:30 a.m. View the calendar.

19/20 Council Spend Suggestions, May Voting Process
Council Board and Leadership are now soliciting suggestions for 19/20 Council-spend (this is separate from the DPS-allocated IBCS budget). Ideas generated at the April Council Meeting include:
Family Community Resource Center funding
Diversity and inclusion programming
Parent/guardian education
Community events
IBCS “Book Room”
Spanish and STEAMS after-school programming
Student scholarships
Outdoor tables
Transportation and translation funding
Student-specific activities and celebrations
Classroom literacy fund
IBCS Staff professional development and team-building activities
IBCS building upkeep and maintenance
If you have additional ideas you would like added to this list, please send them to ibcscommunications@gmail.com. Ideas will be presented at the May Council Meeting. Those in attendance at the meeting receive 4-stickers to vote for their top priorities. After votes are tallied, top items are funded at the predetermined budget or the total of dollars raised. For questions, contact the IBCS Council Treasurers.
What's Going on With...

Call for Council Board Members
Two Parent-Council Board positions become available next month, when two existing members conclude their two-year term. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board, complete and submit the Council Board Interest Form. Within the form, you’ll need to describe why you want to serve on the Council Board using specific examples of what you can offer to this representative team. Those in attendance at the May Council Meeting will vote to elect two parents. The Council Board serves as Isabella Bird’s sounding board for our community and assist all committees in functioning effectively to help our school grow. The Board includes five community-elected parents and three IBCS staff-elected teacher; Schuba and Caleb also serve on the Board. Each position, with the exception of Leadership, is a two-year commitment. Please send questions and inquiries to ibcscommunications@gmail.com.

We’re Composting!
IBCS students are helping to save the Earth one food scrap at a time. Last week, just one week after our school-wide recycle and compost assembly with The City and County of Denver, school cafeteria trash cans were only half-full after nearly 500 students went through our lunch waves. WOW.
Save the Date
2019 CMAS Continues
IBCS Fourth and Fifth Grade Students wrap up remaining 2019 CMAS testing this week. Fourth grade social studies and fifth grade science testing is April 16-18. Contact Assistant Principal, Caleb, with any questions.

Week of the Child
At Izzi B., the last week of April (4/22-26) is devoted to The Week of the Child. This year’s theme is We are Better Together. The first day of the week-long celebration is Unity Day - a day to celebrate our entire Community. The week’s activities include school-wide and classroom-specific celebrations, including Spirit Week, a Read-in, dance parties and more.
Week of the Child/Unity Day/Spirit Week:
Monday, April 22: Unity Day assembly with school-wide sing along and group photo / Wear Izzi B. Gear or Blue and Green Day
Tuesday, April 23: Read-in on the playground / Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day
Wednesday, April 24: Group murals in the pods / Dress Like a Friend/Twin Day
Thursday, April 25: Mix it up at lunch and sit with a new friend / Wear Funny Socks
Friday, April 26: 5-Minute Dance Party in the Pod and School Dance, 5-6:30 p.m. / Wear Hawaiian-themed Clothing Day
Week of the Child is affiliated with El día de los niños/El día de los libros, sponsored by the Association of Library Service for Children. El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day), commonly known as Día, is a celebration of children, families, and reading culminating on April 30. The celebration emphasizes the importance of literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

Dine & Donate: Mici Handcrafted Italian
Join us Tuesday, April 23, 3:30-8:30 p.m. for a Dine & Donate night at Mici's Handcrafted Italian in Stapleton. Dine-in, delivery and carry-out are all included. Mention Izzi B. when you order or include our school name in the notes, if you order online. 20 percent is donated back to the school!

School Dance
Join us for a Beach Party-themed school dance on Friday, April 26, 5-6:30 p.m., in the cafeteria!! Leis and beach balls are sold, as well as snacks. All children must be accompanied by an adult. This is an event the entire family can enjoy! Purchase your tickets ahead of time at myschoolbucks.com and skip the line! Tickets are $1 each.

Fun Run
IBCS’ First Annual Community Fun Run is May 8-17; each day includes 15-minute character-building sessions for students. An all-school prep rally is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, while the actual run is Friday, May 17, 8:15-10:30 a.m. on the Izzi B. Soccer Field. All IBCS community members are encouraged to attend. Stay tuned for more information.
Mark Your Calendars...
Tuesday, April 16 - Thursday, April 18, times vary: CMAS Testing for 4-5 grades
Monday, April 22 - Friday, April 26: Week of the Child / Spirit Week
Monday, April 22: Wear Izzi B. Gear or Blue and Green Spirit Day
Tuesday, April 23: Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Spirit Day
Tuesday, April 23, 3:30-8:30 p.m.: Dine & Donate at Mici's Handcrafted Italian
Wednesday, April 24: Dress Like a Friend/Twin Spirit Day
Thursday, April 25: Wear Funny Socks Spirit Day
Friday, April 26: Wear Hawaiian-themed Clothing Spirit Day
Friday, April 26, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation
Friday, April 26, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Family Meeting at Hidden Brook
Friday, April 26, 5-6:30 p.m.: School Dance
Monday, April 29, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 1, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting
Monday, May 6, All Day: No school for Students (PD for staff)
Wednesday, May 8, 8:15-9:15 p.m.: Classroom Liaison Committee Meeting
Monday, May 27, All Day: No School (Memorial Day)
Friday, May 31, 8-11:30 a.m.: Last Day of School