From the Desk of Schuba...
Dear Izzi B family and friends,
Our entire community is ELATED to have our licensed teachers back in classrooms - the school feels whole again! This long weekend was a much needed respite, and I can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow refreshed and ready to go.
The end of the second trimester is Friday, February 22nd and report cards will be available via Parent Portal that day. Now, that the Strike is behind us, we will be using mid-year assessment data to push academics and rigor in the classroom in preparation for CMAS testing for 3rd-5th the first three weeks of April.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Brandi’s death. She was a para educator in Cal’s kindergarten classroom last year and is greatly missed by many students, parents and staff members. While I didn’t know Brandi personally, I feel like I do through stories, photos and conversations I have with all of you who share yours stories with me. Her family is in our hearts and prayers. Please take a moment to stop by our memory case to see how we have honored her passion and energy.
February Council Meeting on Thursday, February 21st, in the cafeteria. Our entire parent community is welcome and encouraged to come. We will begin promptly at 5:30 pm and the main topic will be school budget priorities and programming for the 2019-2020 school year. We would love to see more parent support and new faces at our meetings so we can represent all voices in our community.
Thank you for your partnership and support,
Principal Schuba and Caleb
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email (lisa_schuba@dpsk12.org) or phone at 720-423-9900.
Take Action....
IBCS Needs (PAID) School Crossing Guards
Looking to make a little extra money? Consider applying to become a School Crossing Guard at Isabella Bird. School Crossing Guards monitor street crossings during hours when children are going to and from school, direct children and traffic at intersections to ensure safe crossing and escort children across the street. This is a paid position through Denver Public Schools and requires a commitment of one to two hours on five days a week, or when school is in session. Applications are accepted online at http://careers.dpsk12.org/.
Teacher Appreciation: Conference Meals
Each year, we provide food to our wonderful IBCS Staff during Family-Student-Teacher Conferences. We are working together to deliver meals to the Teacher's Lounge on Monday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 5. We hope to provide enough food for around 70 people (all staff!), including vegetarian and gluten-free options for each day. We are using Staff Appreciation/Classroom Liaison funds, as well as soliciting donations for main dish items. The sign-up below will help to provide additional goodies and sides to round out our meals each day. Thank you in advance for your help! Our staff really appreciate it, and they deserve it! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0544AFAF2EA2FB6-staff1
-Your Classroom Liaisons
We Want A Dance Party, Too!
...and, that's just what we're going to do!! Our students enjoyed a fun dance party at school yesterday to celebrate the strike being over and having their beloved teachers back in the classroom. We're excited we have our very own 80's-themed "adult dance party" coming up soon! **Back To The 80's IBCS Annual Auction ~ The Hangar at Stanley ~ Friday, March 15**
Go to www.izzibauction.com for tickets and info. 100 percent of auction proceeds go directly to fund critical Izzi B. Council-endorsed initiatives directly benefiting OUR students in the coming year!
We're excited to let you know we have EXTENDED PRESALE TICKETS until Tuesday, Feb. 18. So, you all have 4 more days to get your all-inclusive ticket to our biggest fundraiser (aka Dance Party!) of the year at $50! The price increases to $60 on Feb. 19. With your ticket, you get a catered dinner, beer & wine, live music & dancing (Colorado band, "The Goonies") and access to hundreds of fabulous auction items.
BE IN TO WIN! All tickets purchased now until 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18 are ENTERED TO WIN one of two giveaways: A $50 Gift Card to Stanley Beer Hall OR a Four- (4) Pack of Tickets to Comedy Works (value $100+).
What's Going on With...
Direct Messaging with School Deets
Izzi B.’s preferred communications platform for school-to-home communications, School Deets, now offers direct messaging for all users. Use the functionality to initiate private one-on-one conversations with Izzi B. teachers and fellow parents. Additional direct messaging features are included below. To enable direct messaging, you need to sign into your account, view account settings and select ‘yes’ for the direct messaging option. For questions, send an email to ibcscommunications@gmail.com.
Direct Messaging Features:
Real-time Messages. Exchange in-the-moment communication.
Translation-friendly. Send and receive messages in your preferred language.
Digital data. Include and share hyperlinks within your messages.
Historical view. Exchanged messages stay within your feed for future reference
Confidence factor. Conversations are confidential and remain within your message feed.
Fundraising Update...
Year-to-date fundraising is coming in at $39,500. We estimate we’ll raise roughly $60,000 at the Auction, which will make us shy of our total goal of $110,000 for the year. If you have not yet signed up for a monthly recurring donation, please visit http://weblink.donorperfect.com/GIVEIBCS and do so. Every little bit counts!
If you have a King Sooper Card, please remember to use them...we earn really good money for just using these cards. If you need a new one or do not yet have one, fill out the this form and we will get one to you. http://weblink.donorperfect.com/IBCSKingSooper
Save the Date...

Attend the 2nd Annual "Mom UP! Project," Saturday, Feb. 23, 1-6 p.m. at Green Spaces (2590 Walnut St., 80205). This indoor festival consists of pop-up shops and a variety of unique guest speakers, who will leave you enlightened and empowered. Come and go as your please. $8 from the top-two ticket levels are donated back to the school of each attendee's choice. Learn more. Tickets are limited and can only be purchased online.
Dine & Donate: Monday, Feb. 25
Our next Dine & Donate is at Esters on Monday, Feb. 25. Mention Izzi B. and 20 percent of food purchases will be donated to the school. Dine-in 4-10 p.m. Esters is located in Oneida Park (2255 N. Oneida St. Denver). Visit www.estersdenver.com to view the menu.
Mark Your Calendars...
Monday, Feb. 18, All Day: No School (President’s Day)
Tuesday, Feb. 19, All Day: No School (President’s Day)
Thursday, Feb. 21, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Meeting
Friday, Feb. 22, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Family Meeting at Hidden Brook
Monday, Feb. 25, 4-10 p.m.: Dine & Donate: Esters
Monday, Feb. 25, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting
Monday, March 1, All Day: No School for ECE (ECE Teacher/Para PD)
Monday, March 4, All Day: No School for Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, March 5, All Day: No School for Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, March 6, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Fundraising Meeting