From the Desk of Schuba...
This month’s Coffee & Conversation uncovered a significant safety concern - students walking between parked and moving cars. Music Teacher, Isaac, is out bearing the cold temperatures as our new crossing guard with the understanding everyone - adults and students, alike, should only cross the street at the designated corner.
Another reminder. Several of our neighbors have voiced concern that parents are using private driveways to turn around after drop-off. Please refrain from doing this to avoid interaction with law enforcement.
Safety is a top priority at Isabella Bird Community School, and a topic we take seriously. Let’s work on this together.
Please remain patient.
Patience will ensure everyone’s safety!
Morning Drop-Off: Kindergarten-5th Grade students can be dropped off at the front entrance of the building on Lima Street. For safety and security, drop students off within the drop-off lane only. Do not let children out of the car from the Drive-Thru lane. Children are asked to exit from the school-side of the car. We ask families to drop-off students from the school side of all adjacent streets, so children do not cross a street to reach school grounds.
Pick-Up Procedures: Please pick up your student(s) on the playground. Elementary students who are not picked up by 3:15 p.m. are taken to the Discovery Link after-school program; cost for this program is $8.50/hr.
Principal Schuba
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email (lisa_schuba@dpsk12.org) or phone at 720-423-9900.
Take Action....

Musical Devices are for Home
A number of students bring music-playing devices to school. Please support their learning and do not allow them to leave home with these items. Thanks!

REMINDER! StapleFUN Coupon Book Donations
THANK YOU to everyone who has already dropped a small donation back to Izzi B. for receiving and enjoying the fabulous deals and savings in this community coupon book! If you haven’t yet, but would like to do so, please either stop by the Main Office and leave your donation in the designated box... or send your donation with your student, in a sealed envelope, and ask them to give it to their teacher. Suggested donations are $3-$5.

Auction Presale Ticket Prices Available Thru 2/15!!
Your fellow Izzi B. parent community invites you to join us in supporting our teachers and school's growth! Purchase your auction ticket today and show your support (izzibauction.com). Proceeds from this annual event go toward professional development, vital curriculum, educational technology, and so many more critical needs for our students NOT covered by public funding. Our school relies on this event to fund our ever-growing community! Ticket price includes a full dinner, drinks, live entertainment, and access to bid on exclusive auction items. Hop back into the 80's and rock out to Colorado 80's cover band The Goonies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kopLS-BbiYI.

Discovery Link Summer Camp Sign up
Join us for Discovery Link Summer Camp at Izzi B., June 10 - Aug. 2. We will provide awesome field trips, STEM projects, active learning, and enrichment programs! Online registration opens Tuesday, Feb. 5 at discoverylink.dpsk12.org/summer-registration
We're collecting canned goods and dry goods to contribute to our food pantry and sustain our Backpack Program now through the end of the school year. Suggested donations include:
What's Going on With...

Family Literacy Night POSTPONED
Due to the uncertainty of a looming teacher strike, IBCS Leadership, in partnership with our talented teachers, have opted to postpone the upcoming Family Literacy Night. Rescheduling the event ensures all participating parties are able to fully devote time and energy into making it a successful evening for all. A new date will be communicated as soon as possible.

Girls on the Run: Runners and Coaches Needed!
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity for your daughter, in grades 3-5, to join a group of like-minded classmates as they participate in Girls on the Run. The group meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 10-weeks beginning Thursday, March 7, 3-4:30 p.m., on the Izzi B. baseball diamond, with access to the gym and/or the 1st/2nd grade pod in case of inclement weather. Registration opens Monday. Two coaches are needed who are willing to lead (we do have a few substitute coaches, if needed). No running experience is necessary, just a desire to spend quality-time with an amazing group of girls! Through organization-provided lessons and materials, you’ll help encourage body-positivity, provide education on healthy lifestyles and, most important, have FUN! All materials and lessons are provided. To take part in this amazing experience or for more information, visit www.girlsontherunrockies.org, or email Izzi B. Special Education Teacher, Liz Becze, or call her at 720-341-7245.
Save the Date...

Attend the 2nd Annual "Mom UP! Project," Saturday, Feb. 23, 1-6 p.m. at Green Spaces (2590 Walnut St., 80205). This indoor festival consists of pop-up shops and a variety of unique guest speakers, who will leave you enlightened and empowered. Come and go as your please. $8 from the top-two ticket levels are donated back to the school of each attendee's choice. Learn more. Tickets are limited and can only be purchased online.
Dine & Donate: Monday, Feb. 25
Our next Dine & Donate is at Esters on Monday, Feb. 25. Mention Izzi B. and 20 percent of food purchases will be donated to the school. Dine-in 4-10 p.m. Esters is located in Oneida Park (2255 N. Oneida St. Denver). Visit www.estersdenver.com to view the menu.
Mark Your Calendars...
Wednesday, Feb. 6, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 13, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Liaison Committee Meeting
Friday, Feb. 15, 4 p.m.: Round 1 SchoolChoice Window Closes
Monday, Feb. 18, All Day: No School (President’s Day)
Tuesday, Feb. 19, All Day: No School (President’s Day)
Thursday, Feb. 21, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Meeting
Friday, Feb. 22, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Family Meeting at Hidden Brook
Monday, Feb. 25, 4-10 p.m.: Dine & Donate: Esters
Monday, Feb. 25, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting