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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

A heartfelt thanks to our amazing community who came together prior to Winter Break during our annual All Cultures Night at Isabella Bird. The event highlighted the international representation of our incredibly diverse population - one of the top reasons I sought out our school last spring. IBCS’ diversity has greater impact on our students than you may realize. Teaching acceptance and tolerance of differences at a young age sets a strong foundation for our children as they grow into compassionate, global citizens.

Also prior to Winter Break, our generous community donated more than 200 gifts for students in need this holiday season. All presents were delivered by IBCS staff members on Friday, Dec. 7. There are no words to describe the joy and happiness we witnessed among students and their families as we passed out the gifts. Many thanks to all who made this year’s Giving Tree a success.

Wishing you and yours continued peace, rest and relaxation during break. I miss greeting your children each morning! Hold them close and enjoy the extra time together.

~ Schuba

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email ( or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action....

It’s Influenza Time

Influenza has arrived in Colorado and at Izzi B. If you and/or your children haven't received a flu vaccine, considering doing so over break to protect against this year's virus.

Soft Room Donations

IBCS is in the process of creating a Soft Room for our students with special needs. To ensure the room meets the needs of these students, Special Education Teacher, Liz Becze, is collecting essential items, including bean bags, pillows, plush books and puzzles. Please sign-up for donations, if you’re able to provide. For questions, contact Liz Becze.


What's Going on With...

Take Advantage of Holiday Sales

Grade-Level Basket signups are now available for those who want to leverage the countless holiday sales this week. SIGN UP TO PURCHASE ITEMS. Grade-Level Baskets are theme-based compilations and will be sold to the highest bidder on Auction Night (Friday, March 15). All proceeds from the Auction benefit our school, so consider purchasing an item (or more) today! Items can be delivered to your child's teacher or to the Front Office. Visit for more info.

Congratulations are in Order...

Congratulations to the IBCS DPS Semantics team lead by Teacher Rebecca Mercer. The team consisted of 13 of our thriving spellers, who were chosen after a school-wide spell-off opportunity in October. Our spellers include: Abby B., Quinn B., Lilly D., Maftuha G., Akram S., Scarlett F., Laila L., Delina M., Emerson M., Tate M., Zoey R., Ryan T. and Jonas W. Each of these students performed exceedingly well. Abby B. and Tate M. made it to the Championship Round after exhausting all the words on the Spell-It list; Abby B. placed sixth overall. Way to represent IBCS! The next interschool Bee is Thursday, Jan. 24, at Greenlee Elementary.

Congratulations also to our school-wide mathematicians, who participated in the 2018 Fall Noetic Math Competition. More than 27,000 students from across the country participated in this challenging problem-solving opportunity. Awards and Recognition go to:

TEAM WINNERS (top scorers of each team)

NATIONAL HONOR ROLL (top 10 percent of students)

HONORABLE MENTION (top 50 percent of students)

Fifth Grade

National Honors Medal: Alek W.

Team Winner Medal: Alek W.

National Honorable Mention: Harper B., Jillian F., Scarlett F., Diego T., Sarah W.

Participation: Caden P., Raphael G., Savannah B., Nolani F., Luka M., Jordan T., Paul A., Floyd F., Adrian D., Jackson T., John T., Lily D., Hailey T., Sloan N., Zoey R., Simone P., Bella K., Ella B., Calvin L., Dany C., Zoe S., Leilonie S.

Fourth Grade

Team Winner: Sammy M.

National Honors Medal: Sammy M.

National Honorable Mention: Abby B., Jonas W., Henry R., Samson F., Harlie R., Jazmine S., Harper S., Lily D., Wes F.

Participation: Emerson M.,Felix M., Grace W., Maya D., Peston N., Delina M., Hudson A., Ella N., Chase R., Naha O., Kennedy A., Nikolas J., Luka W.

Third Grade

National Honors Medal: Colin T., Ryan T.

Team Winners: Ryan T., Colin T.

National Honorable Mention: Micah L., Bella Y., Lauren T., Zoe W., Zoe H., Brody M., Everett N., Holland P.

Participation: Illana R., Lila V., Ben W., Quinn B., Lily V., Elsie L., Addy K., Kevin H., Keira B., Mutimanwa M., Raul L., Akram S., Naomi P., Willa S., Miri A.

Neighborhood Art Camp Benefitting IBCS

Looks like there’s still room in Stapleton Neighborhood Art Studio’s Penguin Camp happening Monday, Jan. 7 and Tuesday, Jan. 8. Don’t wait any longer to register; visit When your child arrives at camp on either day, let them know your child attends Izzi B. and 20 percent of your child’s camp payment will be donated to the school. Check out the Art Camp’s website for other camps; camp dates , including dates, themes and prices are all online.



Auction Update

The Auction--our biggest Izzi B. fundraiser of the year--is scheduled for Friday, March 15, at the Stanley Marketplace. More than 50 percent of our annual fundraising goal is raised at this (incredibly fun) event each year! Discounted early bird tickets go on sale on Tuesday, Jan. 15.


Mark Your Calendars...

  • Now - Jan. 4, All Day: No School (Winter Break)

  • Monday, Jan. 7, All Day: No School (Professional Development Day)

  • Tuesday, Jan. 8, All Day: No School (Professional Development Day)

  • Wednesday, Jan. 9, 8:05-9:05 a.m.: Auction Committee Meeting

  • Wednesday, Jan. 9 , 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Liaison Committee Meeting

  • Wednesday, Jan. 9, 5:30-6:15 p.m.: 5th Grade Parent Balarat Info Night, Room 201

  • Monday, Jan. 14, 3:15-4:15 p.m.: Culture and Equity Committee Meeting

  • Tuesday, Jan. 15, A ll Day: DPS School Choice Window Opens

  • Wednesday, Jan. 16, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting

  • Thursday, Jan. 17, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Meeting

  • Monday, Jan. 21, All Day: No School (MLK Day)

  • Friday, Jan. 25, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation

  • Friday, Jan. 25, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Family Meeting at Hidden Brook

  • Monday, Jan. 28, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting


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