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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

One of Isabella Bird's 5 Guiding Principles for Academic and Personal Excellence includes a focus on Compassions and Relationships - developing safety, trust and a sense of belonging through compassion.

For the next six weeks, our school-wide theme is empathy and compassion. In our morning announcements and school assembly, we’ll remind students to have empathy, identify their own and others’ feelings, notice and respect same and different feelings, and show compassion toward one another. Compassion involves saying kind words or doing something helpful to show you care how another person feels. When students can identify, understand, and respond in a caring way to how someone else is feeling, it helps create a positive and accepting school climate. Second Step, a curriculum purchased last year by the leadership team, teaches lessons specifically about empathy.

Parents will receive Home Links describing why empathy is important and including fun activities to do with your child to help him or her identify feelings and practice showing empathy and compassion. We hope you find them helpful.

Empathy Focus ­Week No. 1

Getting along with others helps make our school a happier place. To get along with others, we need to have empathy for each other. Empathy is feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling. This week, be a feelings detective! We’re challenging students to notice how their classmates are feeling throughout the week. Watch their faces and bodies for clues!

~ Schuba

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email ( or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action....


Izzi B. Dragons, we need your help. You can make a difference for a family in need this Thanksgiving! The 9th Annual Stapleton REALGiving2018 Campaign, organized by Stapleton area Realtors, lenders, friends, Forest City and The Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities, is underway to provide $70 King Soopers gift cards for families in need for Thanksgiving. This year, the need has increased to 185+ families, many of which are homeless at the neighborhood schools, including Isabella Bird, Swigert, Westerly Creek, Bill Roberts, McAuliffe, Denver Discovery, Northfield and Ashley Elementary. To donate, visit Any contributions made via this site directly supports families in need at the schools or supporting food pantries. Donations are tax deductible. Gift cards will be loaded on Wednesday, Nov.14 and delivered to the schools on Thursday, Nov.15 before the holiday break. THANKS in ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT. For more information and updates, please visit the REALGiving Facebook page.

Grade-level and Classroom Field Trips

Field trips are now underway. Please be sure to submit payment for your child(ren)’s participation via or submit payment to your student’s teacher. You can also access MySchoolBucks through the School Deets app on your smartphone. Launch the app and select the tag in the bottom center screen; MySchoolBucks is within the lunch Information folder.

Izzi B.'s Holiday Giving Tree

It's that time of year again! Our Izzi B. Holiday Giving Tree is officially up and running. These are items that will enable our students to have a great holiday season. Since we have asked our families who need a bit of help to tell us one thing their child needs and one thing their child wants, please kindly take a tag or two, purchase the items, wrap the gifts, attach the mitten or train on the outside of the package, and deliver it to the Main Office no later than Wednesday, Dec. 12. Come check out the giving trees in the Main Office and in the main entrance hallway.


What's Going on With...

Picture Retake Day TOMORROW

If your student was absent on the original picture day, TOMORROW, Tuesday, Nov. 13 is the day for them to get their picture taken. Please be sure to send your student with their picture packet and payment, if you plan to purchase their photos. For students who took pictures and wish to have them retaken, please be sure to send your student with their original photos or a picture packet with payment, if you want to purchase the photos. If you have questions, please contact the Main Office.

King Soopers Cards for the Holidays

Entertaining this holiday season? Don't forget to reload those King Soopers cards and use for all your upcoming holiday groceries! You can also purchase additional cards for grandparents or anyone else in your life, who shop at Kroger stores nationwide! Don't have a card yet? Reloadable King Soopers cards are now available online to purchase. They are only $5 and come pre-loaded with $5 on them. Once you place your order online you will receive your card in your child's weekly folder. For online purchases and program details visit:

Amazon Smile

Starting your holiday shopping? Don't forget to set-up and use your Amazon Smile account. Just type in and be sure your supporting organization is set to "IBCS Council." Most purchases you make are eligible for this program as long as you purchase through the Amazon Smile website. Our school receives .5 percent back - these pennies add up! Each year we raise hundreds of dollars. To date, our school has raised nearly $1,300 since we began this program! For questions on this program or help getting your account set up, please feel free to email

Fundraising Numbers

  • Update on year-to-date numbers:

  • Total YTD: $35,349

  • October Direct Give and one-time donations: $17,048

  • Reminder was Harvest, Dine & Donate, sponsorships, Dollars for Dragons

  • An estimated 95 families have donated to Izzi B.

  • Personalized thank you letters from Schuba, along with IBCS car magnets, were sent last week to families who donated to Isabella Bird.

  • The fall Scholastic Book Fair grossed more than $9,500 in sales. Lots of new books will be added to the Library. Thank you to all who purchased books.

  • Members of the Fundraising Committee will be onsite Thursday, Nov. 15, during the Thanksgiving Luncheon to assist with King Sooper gift card purchases, literacy donations and book purchases, and Direct Give signups.

  • Giving Tuesday is Tuesday, Nov. 27. This is a one-day event during such we would like to have 50 families make donations to Izzi B.

For questions about fundraising efforts or numbers, please contact Fundraising Co-Chair, Tricia Houston.


Committee Updates

  • Classroom Liaisons - October Staff appreciation efforts included a fresh smoothie day for staff, a photo booth and conference day food.

  • Wellness - The Wellness Committee leads a group of staff and parents who spend Friday afternoons at Hidden Brook to play together. Grant applications have been submitted for a garden curriculum. This growing committee is looking for more parents and staff volunteers. Kids are welcome.

  • Culture and Equity - Culture and Parent involvement is this committee’s focus for the year. Challenge yourself to sit with a new family at the Thanksgiving Luncheon. It will be a mix-it-up day, when families sit with people they don’t normally sit with and get to know one another.

  • Treasurers - $109,000 Council Account Cash balance $45,000 spending on existing fundraising priorities $25,000 reserves $5,000 for liaison funding $35,000 for next year’s priorities

  • Fundraising - See Fundraising Numbers above

The School Performance Framework (SPF) 2018 Results The SPF measures process and opportunities related to the support of student growth, achievement, and service within a school. It also provides essential feedback for those in leadership roles, helping them to focus on strengths and where improvement is needed. To review IBCS’ 2018 SPF report, visit At Izzi B, we believe what is most important is not where kids start, but how much they grow. Our result is Green! See the presentation here.

Literacy Staff continues to put strategies in place to meet students’ literacy needs. There are large gaps in our literacy levels. The school purchased Freckle and Lexia, as well as the iStation intervention program to support this need. Last spring several teachers attended Orton Gillingham training. Next year, the literacy aim lines or targets will rise. The staff is looking at new aim lines now to get kids ready for this rollout. NEEDS:

  • VOLUNTEERS who can help in the building. If interested, contact Izzi B. Parent and Council Board Co-Chair, Traci Lacheta.

  • BOOKS to use with small groups. A Scholastic wish list is available for Angie’s room to build a library of books specifically for teachers and volunteers to use. Questions, contact Angie Costello.

Community Satisfaction A few met about community satisfaction and yellow rating. People who completed the survey were either really unhappy or really happy people who fill out surveys. Next spring will have a community event to get more people to fill out the surveys to insure a broad representation of more voices.

For questions about IBCS Council, contact Traci Lacheta. Our next Council Meeting is Thursday, Dec. 6.


Save the Date...

IBCS Thanksgiving Luncheon

Our Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon is this Thursday, Nov. 15. The deadline to purchase meal tickets was Monday, Oct. 29; additional tickets are no longer available. If you purchased a ticket, please remember to bring it with you to the luncheon. If you did not purchase a ticket, you can still join your student(s) for lunch, but you will have to bring your own lunch. The Thanksgiving Luncheon Schedule is as follows:

ECE/3rd Grade: 10 - 10:40 a.m.

5th Grade: 10:45 - 11:25 a.m.

4th Grade: 11:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.

Kindergarten: 12:15 - 12:55 p.m.

1st Grade: 1 - 1:40 p.m.

2nd Grade: 1:45 - 2:30 p.m.

First Annual Izzi B. Holiday Fair, Vendor Applications

Take care of your holiday shopping and enjoy time with friends at our newest community event on Friday, Nov. 30, 3:15-6:30 p.m. Gift-wrapping is available for a suggested donation. Proceeds from gift-wrapping will benefit IBCS Council. More information on vendors and available gifts coming soon. The Fair will take place in the IBCS Cafeteria. Fair organizers are currently soliciting vendors. Arts and crafts vendors, homemade food items, performers, face-painters and young entrepreneurs are all welcome. Vendor participation is $10 (the vendor fee is waived for all staff and students); funds will cover event costs and any proceeds will go to the Feed the Dragon Fund. Student-sold merchandise must be approved and adult guidance is required during the fair. First come, first serve, no duplicate vendor businesses. Please submit your vendor application form to Izzi B. Parent Volunteers, Amy Murich and Kenda Keenan, or to the Main Office no later than Monday, Nov. 26. Vendor applications are available in the Office.


Mark Your Calendars...

  • Tuesday, Nov. 13, All Day: Picture Retake Day

  • Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7-8 a.m.: Wellness Committee Meeting

  • Wednesday, Nov. 14, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Classroom Liaison Meeting

  • Thursday, Nov. 15, 10 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.: IBCS Thanksgiving Luncheon (ticket sales now closed)

  • Friday, Nov. 16, All Day: No School for ECE students (All other grades on normal schedule; this is a district-wide professional development day for ECE staff)

  • Monday, Nov. 19 - Friday, Nov. 23, All Day: No School (Thanksgiving Break)

  • Monday, Nov. 26, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, Nov. 28, 8:05-9:05 a.m.: Auction Meeting

  • Friday, Nov. 30, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Family Meeting at Hidden Brook

  • Friday, Nov. 30, 3:15-6:30 p.m.: First Annual Izzi B. Holiday Fair


© 2021, Isabella Bird Community School Council | Site by Mindee Forman

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