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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

Dear Izzi B. Family and Friends,

Happy long weekend! The energy level from all our returning and new Dragons tells me we are ready to be back for a great year. Caleb and I've been conducting “Principal Safety Talks” in every grade level to jump start the year. It’s been wonderful to spend time in each unique learning environment to introduce ourselves as their new administration. I am committed to building strong, trusting relationships with students, while setting clear expectations for behavior, so our school is a welcoming, inclusive and caring place for your children.

Safety Topics:

  • Roles and responsibilities of a principal

  • Safety is one of our top priorities

  • How to you identify a safe adult in our building

  • Students are partners in safety

  • Mistakes - everyone, even adults make mistakes

    • Be honest, repair the harm, and don’t do it again

    • All humans have feelings, like anger and frustration

    • Make safe choices, walk away, calm down, ask for help

  • The differences between tattling or telling the truth

  • When feeling scared or anxious - it is hard to focus and learn; turn to an adult in the building for help anytime

  • Definitions of a weapon:

    • No toy weapons brought to school, don’t bring pretend guns in school, etc

  • New Cell Phone Policy (older grades)

    • Turn off and keep in backpack, cannot use during the day/cannot call parents

Social Emotional Learning

IBCS is setting the stage for our 18-19 school year by ensuring our school is a welcoming place, where every student feels like he or she belongs. In our morning announcements and school assemblies, we’ll remind students to welcome others and act and speak in safe, respectful, kind, and responsible ways.

Week 1 Focus: Welcoming School

Here at Izzi B, we want everyone to feel welcome and that they belong. We know we’re welcome when people smile at us and greet us with friendly words. We know we belong when we’re included and invited to play at recess. We know we belong when we notice the ways we’re all the same and accept the ways we’re different. This week, take time to greet others with a smile and invite them to play. Find a new friend!

Week 2 Focus: Being Safe

Izzi B.’s first school agreements states: “I will act in ways that are safe for everyone.” Safe actions keep everyone’s bodies from being hurt. When we act in safe ways, we keep our hands to ourselves, and don’t use them to touch others in hurtful ways. When we use safe words, we make sure nobody’s feelings are hurt. Safe words are kind and respectful. This week, think about how you can act and speak in safe ways in the classroom, hallway, and lunchroom and out at recess.

Week 3 Focus: Being Respectful

Izzi B.’s second school agreement states “I will treat myself, others, and our environment with care.” Being respectful helps everyone feel welcome and safe. When we act respectfully, we listen carefully to each other, help each other, and try to understand how someone else feels. When we speak respectfully, we use friendly words and say please and thank you. We don’t call other people names. This week, think about how you can act and speak in respectful ways in the classroom, hallway, lunchroom, and while at recess.

Week 4 Focus: Be Responsible

Izzi B.’s third shared agreement states: “I will do my best learning and help others to do their best learning.” Being responsible helps make our school a place where everyone can learn. When we’re responsible, we can be trusted to do the right thing. We help others. We clean up our messes. We admit when we make mistakes or do the wrong thing. We focus on our schoolwork. This week, think about how you can be responsible and do the right thing in class, in the lunchroom, and while at recess.

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action...

REMINDER: Morning Arrival Logistics

There is no supervision of students in the building prior to 7:45 a.m.

  1. The only students who may enter the building before the bell rings are those going to breakfast (served 7:30-7:45 a.m.).

  2. Parents/guardians are asked to drop students off at school and not enter the building for the safety of your student(s).

  3. Beginning at 7:45 a.m., 1st grade through 5th grade students are asked to go directly to their classrooms. Classroom paras will walk kindergarteners from the cafeteria to their classrooms.

  4. If driving or walking your student(s) to school, use the Hug-n-Go Lane located on Lima St. (on the east side of the school) beginning at 7:30 a.m. (Hug-n-Go is not available in the afternoon; parents/guardians are asked to pick students up from the playground.)

Isabella Bird Bell Schedule

7:55 a.m.: 5-minute reminder bell

8:00 a.m.: School is starting bell

8:01 a.m.: School has begun – Students arriving after this time must check in at the Main Office and take a green tardy pass

3 p.m.: Dismissal bell – Students are released from school for the day through

designated doors to the playground and/or the buses. Supervision of students ends at 3:15 p.m. Please be on time for pick-up.

Front Office Visitor Check-in

Last fall, Isabella Bird instituted a new visitor check-in policy to ensure the safety of our students and staff. If you are visiting the school during school hours, please check-in at the Main Office. Here, you will be asked to show your ID and will receive a visitor badge to wear while in the building. Please remember to return the badge on your way out of the building.

Never Miss a Message: Easy Sign up for School Deets

We’re streamlining school communication. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the app store on your smartphone and download the School Deets app.

  2. Follow the prompts to simplify communication overload overload, including the selection of your language preference. If you have multiple children, remember to enter all your children’s School Deets Student Codes.

Note: If you do not know your child(ren)’s School Deets Student code, use your

child(ren)’s Denver Public School’s (DPS) Student ID number (available via the DPS Parent Portal), contact your child(ren)’s teacher, or send an email to

For questions, or difficulty downloading and/or using the app, email


What's Going on With...

Izzi B. Loves Committee Participants, Volunteers

At Izzi B., committee participants and volunteers make our world go ‘round. Keep things spinning by signing up to help out! Time commitments range from minimal to more involved. Classroom and school-wide volunteer candidates must complete a DPS-issued background check; the background check is good for up to three years. To participate with school committees, review the list of current opportunities -

Help Us Stock the FCRC

Did you know there is a Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC) at our school? The FCRC houses a supply of backpacks, lunch boxes, clothing, jackets, shoes and food for Izzi B students in need. We rely on the generosity of our community to stock the FCRC. If you have gently used children's clothing or shoes, please consider donating to the FCRC. We accept sizes 4T to 12. For questions about the FCRC, email Kim Hundley, ESL teacher.

Exploring Personal Interests

Exploratories, activities designed to give students the opportunity to “explore" subjects and activities of their choosing, are a foundational concept of our school. In past years, we’ve offered yoga, recycled musical instruments, basketball, origami, cooking, Chinese, just to name a few. This year, Exploratories are shifting toward a parent-organized committee. We envision a mix of “vendors” and reintroduction of more volunteer-led Exploratories, taking advantage of the extensive and varied skills of Izzi B. parents.

Dates for Exploratories this Year - Grades 3-5: Oct. 5, 12; Nov. 2, 16; Dec. 7, 14; Jan. 11 and 18; Grades K-2: March 1, 8, 15 and 22, April 5, 12, 19 and 26 Exploratories take place Friday afternoons and extend for eight weeks, with students attending the same Exploratory or set of Exploratories throughout each session. To volunteer to lead an Exploratory or help with coordination/support, please contact the Exploratory Committee Co-Chairs, Tânia Reis and Michael McMurray.

Remix: Ping Pong Tourney Direct Give Party

Huge shout out to our hosts for the first Direct Give Party of the year: The Dubois, Hampton, Burrell, Rullet and Rothstein Families. The turnout for the party was not as we would have hoped; however, we had a great time and were able to meet a few new families and eat amazing food! 10 new families signed up for our monthly donation...this is a good start! Please keep in mind we offer these parties as a fun way to get to know each other. Look at the upcoming dates and put them on your calendar.

Direct Give FAQs Q. I’ve heard at Direct Give Parties, you’re put on the spot and asked to donate $1,000 or more? A. False! This maybe the case at other schools, but not at IBCS. If you want to donate more than the suggested amount of $295 per child, then we’ll take it.....BUT no one asks you to write a giant check. Some families give more and some give less....the goal is to get all families to give what they can.

Q. If I sign-up for the monthly recurring donation, will I be asked to donate more throughout the year?

A. As a school, we must fundraise all year long. We have multiple ways people can donate...many of them are community-based events to help our families have fun and yes, they also raise money. We encourage you to attend as many events as you can to help build our community.

Q. Can I only donate at the Auction?

A. This is understandable because its SO fun! BUT keep in mind not all of what you donate at the Auction goes toward our fundraising goal. It costs roughly $30,000 to put on the Auction. By giving monthly, the school is better able to budget throughout the year.

For more information about Direct Give Parties, send an email to


Save the Date...

Eat for Izzi B.: September Dine & Donate

Join your friends from Isabella Bird Community School for dinner, dessert and drinks at Next Door’s Eastbridge location in Stapleton (10155 East 29th Drive, Suite 160), from 5-9 pm.

NEW this year: Planning to attend this Dine & Donate event? Sign your family up for participation via Next Door’s event website. When you arrive at Next Door for the event, simply provide your server proof of your Eventbrite registration and enjoy your meal knowing that 50 percent of the check total, including food and drink, will be matched in a donation to Izzi B! For questions, please contact Stephanie Gray, Izzi B. parent and volunteer.

Mark Your Calendars...

  • Tuesday, Sept. 4, All Day: ECE No School (K-5th in session)

  • Wednesday, Sept. 5, 6 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting

  • Wednesday, Sept. 12, 8:15 a.m.: Classroom Liaison Committee Meeting

  • Thursday, Sept. 13, 5:30 p.m.: Council Meeting

  • Friday, Sept. 14, 8:15 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation

  • Friday, Sept. 21, All Day: No School for Students (Professional Development for Staff) Discovery Link is available; signup today.

  • Monday, Sept. 24, 5-9 p.m.: Dine & Donate at Next Door in Eastbridge (10155 East 29th Drive, Suite 160)

  • Tuesday, Sept. 25, All Day: Picture Day

  • Wednesday, Sept. 26, 8:05 a.m.: Auction Committee Meeting

  • Saturday, Sept. 29, 4-8 p.m.: Direct Give Party

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