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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

At our last staff meeting, discussion focused on what it means to be a Denver Public School Innovation School and what professional development is needed to further implement supportive teacher- and student-learning strategies into our instruction. Here is a quick overview of what I consider innovative teaching guiding principles:

  • Learning is founded in inquiry.

  • Learning fosters a culture of curiosity and risk-taking.

  • Mastery of learning is demonstrated in multiple ways.

  • Learning is a social process.

  • Learning is powerful, when students create solutions to authentic challenges that impact their local, national or global community.

  • Learning is personalized and learner-led.

Last month, every grade level classroom teacher had a half-day release time (while students had substitute teachers) to collaborate on grade units of study using “Understanding by Design” (UbD). Staff raved about having this time to work in teams and we hope to do more of this soon. I look forward to working with staff to find more service-learning projects for students in the upcoming months.

~ Schuba

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email ( or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action....

Help Build Izzi B.’s Book Room

In September, teachers collected literacy data from Istation and leveled benchmark assessments. From the data, we found 43 percent of Izzi B. students are not reading on grade level. As part of our new literacy intervention program, we are starting a collection of small-group book sets (packs of six). Through experience with appealing books—and through high-volume pleasurable reading and quality instruction, readers will thrive. But we cannot do this important work without resources. We desperately need your help to purchase books for a book room of high-interest books for all reading levels that teachers, parents, paras, and volunteers can use with groups of students to put them on an upward reading spiral. Purchase an item (or more) from a school wish list through the Scholastic Book Clubs. Please visit to find the wish list on Izzi B. Interventionist, Angie’s account and use class code GZ6TN. Please purchase books by Friday, Nov. 9, so we can start using them right away! Scholastic books as inexpensive as you’ll find for new books. Some items on the list are just $1. There are items for all budgets. Please note, books bought through Angie’s wish list are for school usage. Personal books should be bought through your child’s homeroom teacher’s Scholastic account. There will be multiple opportunities to get involved beyond buying books, but the first step is to get more materials for small group work. Thank you for your assistance in supporting our new intervention program!

Grade-level and Classroom Field Trips

Field trips are now underway. Please be sure to submit payment for your child(ren)’s participation via or submit payment to your student’s teacher. You can also access MySchoolBucks through the School Deets app on your smartphone. Launch the app and select the tag in the bottom center screen; MySchoolBucks is within the lunch Information folder.


What's Going on With...

Picture Retake Day

If your student was absent on the original picture day, Tuesday, Nov. 13 is the day for them to get their picture taken. Please be sure to send your student with their picture packet and payment, if you plan to purchase their photos. For students who took pictures and wish to have them retaken, please be sure to send your student with their original photos or a picture packet with payment, if you want to purchase the photos. If you have questions, please contact the Main Office.


Save the Date...

November Dine & Donate

Dine & Donate is tomorrow at Chipotle in Stapleton’s 29th Ave. Town Center. Hours are 5-9 p.m. Come out and meet up with friends and enjoy a meal! 33 percent of your purchase will go back to Izzi B. Online orders will NOT count this year, so please plan accordingly. Thank you for supporting our school!

IBCS Thanksgiving Luncheon

Our Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon is Thursday, Nov. 15. The deadline to purchase meal tickets was Monday, Oct. 29; additional tickets are no longer available. If you purchased a ticket, please remember to bring it with you to the luncheon. If you did not purchase a ticket, you can still join your student(s) for lunch, but you will have to bring your own lunch. The Thanksgiving Luncheon Schedule is as follows:

ECE/3rd Grade: 10 - 10:40 a.m.

5th Grade: 10:45 - 11:25 a.m.

4th Grade: 11:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.

Kindergarten: 12:15 - 12:55 p.m.

1st Grade: 1 - 1:40 p.m.

2nd Grade: 1:45 - 2:30 p.m.

First Annual Izzi B. Holiday Fair, Vendor Applications

Take care of your holiday shopping and enjoy time with friends at our newest community event on Friday, Nov. 30, 3:15-6:30 p.m. Gift-wrapping is available for a suggested donation. Proceeds from gift-wrapping will benefit IBCS Council. More information on vendors and available gifts coming soon. The Fair will take place in the IBCS Cafeteria. Fair organizers are currently soliciting vendors. Arts and crafts vendors, homemade food items, performers, face-painters and young entrepreneurs are all welcome. Vendor participation is $10 (the vendor fee is waived for all staff and students); funds will cover event costs and any proceeds will go to the Feed the Dragon Fund. Student-sold merchandise must be approved and adult guidance is required during the fair. First come, first serve, no duplicate vendor businesses. Please submit your vendor application form to Izzi B. Parent Volunteers, Amy Murich and Kenda Keenan, or to the Main Office no later than Monday, Nov. 26. Vendor applications are available in the Office.


Mark Your Calendars...

  • Monday, Nov. 5, 5-9 p.m.: Dine & Donate: Chipotle

  • Wednesday, Nov. 7, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Fundraising Meeting

  • Friday, Nov. 9, All Day: No School (in observance of Veteran’s Day)

  • Tuesday, Nov. 13, All Day: Picture Retake Day

  • Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7-8 a.m.: Wellness Committee Meeting

  • Wednesday, Nov. 14, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Classroom Liaison Meeting

  • Thursday, Nov. 15, 10 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.: IBCS Thanksgiving Luncheon (ticket sales now closed)

  • Friday, Nov. 16, All Day: No School for ECE students (All other grades on normal schedule; this is a district-wide professional development day for ECE staff)

  • Monday, Nov. 19 - Friday, Nov. 23, All Day: No School (Thanksgiving Break)

  • Monday, Nov. 26, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, Nov. 28, 8:05-9:05 a.m.: Auction Meeting

  • Friday, Nov. 30, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Family Meeting at Hidden Brook

  • Friday, Nov. 30, 3:15-6:30 p.m.: First Annual Izzi B. Holiday Fair


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